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Open Library and Reading Group at Tarset Village Hall – August

Book cover: The Hundreds - Kate Liston & Tess Denman-Cleaver

Thursday 4th August 2022
At Tarset Village Hall in Lanehead, Northumberland – Map
Open Library 10:00 – 13:30
Reading Group 11:00 – 12:30

During the library’s residence with Visual Arts in Rural Communities (VARC) from May – August 2022 we are running monthly Open Library days with a Reading Group at Tarset Village Hall in June, July and August. Each Open Library is an opportunity to browse the collection, learn more about the project or simply have a cup of tea with us.

The Reading Group will focus on texts by two artists and/or writers in the library collection that explores a connection to art and craft, living rurally, or responding to landscape.

For the second Open Library day and Reading Group we will be reading an extract from The Hundreds by Kate Liston and Tess Denman-Cleaver, and from Seventeen of Sixty-Eight by Ingrid Pollard

No prior knowledge is needed as printed copies will be available on the day and we will read the texts together. PDFs of the texts are available to download below.

Everyone welcome! We hope to meet local networks and creative practitioners in Tarset and invite anyone interested in the library or with a creative connection to Northumberland to join us.




For this month’s reading group, we will be reading from a collaborative text ‘The Hundreds’ by artists Kate Liston and Tess Denman-Cleaver and from ‘Seventeen of Sixty Eight’ by Ingrid Pollard. Available to download below.

The Hundreds by Kate Liston and Tess Denman-Cleaver

Extract: PART TWO


The Hundreds (2021) by Kate Liston and Tess Denman-Cleaver was produced to accompany the exhibition, Town Hall Meeting of the Air at BALTIC39 in 2021.

The Hundreds narrates how new inhabitants ‘The Hundreds’, create and establish themselves on a unpopulated island. Conceived during the lockdowns of 2020-21, the poetic texts invite us to reimagine how we gather together, inhabit space, create community and think about utopia.

Town Hall Meeting of the Air was developed ‘…looks at how architecture shapes public gathering and language. A focus on the sensory and material experience of gathering eulogises the silences, stutterings and physical proximity lost in digitally-mediated togetherness.

Town Hall Meeting of the Air draws on research into ancient assembly sites, abandoned parliaments, radio broadcast history, utopian literature and the experimental and politicised writings of novelist and poet, Gertrude Stein.’ – 



Seventeen of Sixty Eight by Ingrid Pollard 

Extract: Hidden in a Public Place



Seventeen of Sixty Eight (2019) by Ingrid Pollard, presents Pollard’s research alongside essays by Lubaina Himid and Susan Trangmar, informing the exhibition Seventeen of Sixty-Eight presented at BALTIC Gallery part of Artists’ Award 2019.

Pollards exhibition of the same title was an installation of photographs, video and found objects collected over decades of research related to traditional British pub signs and architecture. The “Seventeen of Sixty Eight” relates to the 68 pubs in the UK that have “Black Boy” in their name and Pollard’s thesis ‘Hidden in a Public Place’ provides us with an insight into her research process, site visits and archival research, and how it informs her practice.

Seventeen Sixty-Eight - Ingrid Pollard